Monday, January 31, 2011

iHate: Thinking About Winning The Lottery

This is a tricky one. I would love to win the lottery (too bad I don't play) but at the same time, I hate thinking about it. Whenever I do, I get all excited like I am going to win or something, and then when I realize it isn't happening, I become sad. Sometimes I will just start talking about it with a friend, and we will tell each other what we would do if we had that much money. I usually say that I'd buy myself a house and whatever, but also use a huge portion of the money to open a business or something, like my own media company, or maybe open a popular chain restaurant like McDonald's or something.

I have thought about this many times and hate the feeling of being let down once I come back to reality. You know that feeling you get when you are on your way to spend a lot of saved up money on something you really want and are super excited to buy? That's the feeling I get when talking about what I would do with all the money. Now imagine that feeling, but then you get to the store and the sales associate tells you that they are out of stock, sold out of every store, and are now out of print. I hate that feeling.

If anyone out there is reading this blog and wants to give me money to maybe help me not hate so many things anymore, there is a donate button on the right where you can donate some money to me :)

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